
Support with Maths

At Linaker we use a wide variety of means to support pupils in their learning and in particular would recommend 2 key websites that we subscribe to.

MyMaths ( is a site that covers the whole maths curriculum and includes lessons, activities and games to reinforce learning. The school logon is username Linaker  and the password is compass 184. Please do explore the site and see how it can help you with learning at home.

Every child in school from Year 2 to Year 6 also has log in details for the Times Tables Rockstars site ( This is a simple site full of timed activities designed to speed up recall of tables facts including both multiplication and division questions. Pupils can earn coins to customise their rockstar avatar, earn titles all the way up to 'Rock Legend' and challenge each other and even teachers.

If you would like help with accessing either of our online sites, please speak to your child's class teacher in the first instance. Links to the 2 sites are below.

My Maths Website
Times Tables Rockstars


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