Key Information
Session times:
8.45am - 11.45am. Morning pupils.
12.15pm - 3.15pm. Afternoon pupils.
Fulltime pupils will stay for a packed or school meal.
Staff: Mrs Worthington is the Early years phase leader. Ms Fraser, Mrs Davis, and Miss SuItcliffe all work with the Nursery pupils and are available at the end of session if you have any queries or news.
Rucksacks: Please could the children keep a change of clothes, water bottle and, in hot weather, sun cream in their bags.
Snack: this costs £1 per week, please pay on a Monday. The children have toast, crackers, cheese spread, fruit and a selection of 'new tastes' during the week. They choose water or milk to drink.
The pupils all wash or sanitise their hands before eating and are encouraged to say, "Please" and "Thank you".
The session routine: Children will put their name tag in the pot then sit at the carpet for either song and music time or yoga. After this, carpet time will focus on a theme for the week; a number, story or feelings. Next the children will work with an adult or have a task to complete inside or outdoors. After snack time, they will return to their challenges before meeting on the carpet for a whole group teacher led activity.
The children are learning that a hand up means they STOP, so they can LISTEN to instructions. Every time the children are seen to be engaged, helping each other, tidying up or listening carefully, they put a piece of pasta in the jar to fill it up for a lovely reward.