Key Information
PE Days
PE is every Tuesday and Friday this term. Children are to bring PE kits into school to change before the lesson. Please ensure long hair is tied back and earrings are removed.
Children are given new reading books on a Monday, which must be returned for changing the following Monday. Regular reading remains the greatest support that parents can offer their children. Therefore we are asking you to read with your child at least 3 times per week. Please record this in the green reading record. As children progress in reading, discussion of the books becomes as important as listening to them read. Children who read regularly will earn certificates and work towards 'Reading The Rainbow', with a special reward for those children who complete the challenge.
Children will be provided with the spelling lists at the beginning of every half term. Each week, children will learn a new spelling rule or have a list of words from the Year 3 & 4 Statutory spellings to learn. These will be tested each Wednesday. Please encourage your child to work on these over the week.